Local Company (PT)

Are you planning to start a business in Indonesia? Then you will want to know about how to establish a PT company in Indonesia. What is PT company, you might ask? PT is the abbreviation of Perseroan Terbatas, a limited liability company whose capital is divided into shares and the responsibility of shareholders based on the number of shares that he or she has.

Fortunately, since the beginning of 2016, the procedure of establishing a PT company has been continuously simplified. And this is how you can establish a PT company in Indonesia!


After understanding what is PT company, you should also know that establishing a PT company in Indonesia needs some amount of money as your business capital. The amount is varied, but usually, it starts from IDR 50 million to more than IDR 10 billion.

Based on this amount of capital, PT company in Indonesia is categorized into three sizes:

  • Small : above IDR 50.000.000 to IDR 500.000.000.
  • Medium : above IDR 500.000.000 – 10.000.0000.000.
  • Large : above IDR 10.000.000.

Please note, that if you want to employ foreigners in a PT, the company size must be at least Medium with a paid in capital above


  • Rent agreement.
  • Land certificate.
  • Receipt of payment building and land tax the last 3 months (PBB).
  • Building permit (IMB).
  • Copy ID and tax register number of local shareholder (2 persons)
  • Indonesia address of each investor.
  • Company name and company address.
  • Line of business (phone & fax).
  • A numbers investment.
  • Share capital for each investor (total capital min. IDR and issued capital min. IDR 1.500.000.000 to get working ITAS)
  • Position of each investor in company.


  1. Approval of Company Name. It should consist of three words that are not vulgar or obscene.
  2. Deed of Incorporation. It should include an Article of Association, and a notary must be present.
  3. Approval of Legal Entity. After submission of Deed of Incorporation by the notary, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will give approval.
  4. Registration of Tax ID (NPWP). A valid NPWP is required for securing other company’s licenses, banking activities, and fulfilling tax obligations.
  5. Domicile Letter. Required to show the location of your business.
  6. Application of NIB. Alongside NIB, Business License(s) and Location Permit will also be granted one day following the registration via Online Single Submission (OSS).
  7. Application of Other Licenses. Depending on the business sector, additional licenses such as commercial license and tourism license may be required before operation.

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PT PEAK SOLUTIONS GROUP. JL. Sunset Road No 99 D. Seminyak. Kuta. Badung. Bali